Family and Social History Group

Family and Social History Group

Group Leader: Roger Brown

Tel:   07393 705447


Welcome to the Family and Social History group.

The prerequisite for attending our gatherings will be membership of Knutsford & District u3a – see the Membership page. 

Meetings will be held on the second Friday of the month in the Knutsford Methodist church, in the Main Hall of the church.  The meetings start at 2pm., duration 1 hour.

To cover the cost of hiring the room, there is a modest cost for attending: £2.00 per person.

On behalf of the group’s members, I would like to thank Margaret Gott and Karen Oakes for becoming the new Meet and Greet team, the former to allow folks in, the latter to relieve them of their entry fee.  These positions are much sought after, so other members are welcome to share these enjoyable responsibilities.

Dates of Next Meetings

Friday 12th July


Friday 9th August

‘Census Surprises and Records Revelations’

Tell us what you’ve discovered in researching your family’s past.

Friday 13th September

‘Job Titles’

We would be keen to learn about the job titles our ancestors bore.  Feel free to chip in with your discoveries.

Friday 11th October

‘A Person Known to the Authorities’

It’s skeleton in the cupboard time.  Come on, own up, you’re amongst friends!

Friday 8th November

Atlantic Crossing

No, not the Rod Stewart album, this is intended to be about children and young people who crossed the ocean throughout the 20th century, and the 19th.  It can be about a migration across any ocean.  We’ll not limit ourselves to just our local one.  Does your family have a tale to tell?

Friday 13th December(Provisional)

Allan Jones will regale us with another of his well-crafted stories, this one concerning the fatal shooting – murder – of a young man called Arthur, who is buried in the churchyard by Peover Hall.

Previous Meeting Reports

  • 12th June meeting click here
  • Apr / May 2024 meetings click here
  • 8th March 2024 meeting click here
  • 9th February 2024 meeting click here
  • 12th January 2024 meeting click here
  • 8th December 2023 meeting click here
  • 10th November 2023 meeting click here
  • 13th October 2023 meeting click here
  • 8th September 2023 meeting click here
  • 13th July 2023 meeting click here
  • 9th June 2023 meeting click here
  • 12th May 2023 meeting click here
  • 14th April 2023 meeting click here
  • 10th March 2023 meeting click here
  • 10th February 2023 meeting click here
  • 13th January 2023 meeting click here
  • 9th December 2022 meeting click here
  • 11th November 2022 meeting click here
  • 14th October 2022 meeting click here
  • 9th September 2022 meeting click here
  • 10th June 2022 meeting click here
  • 13th May 2022 meeting click here
  • 11th March 2022 meeting click here
  • 11th February 2022 meeting click here
  • 10th December 2021 meeting click here
  • 12th November 2021 meeting click here
  • 8th October 2021 meeting click here

Roger Brown

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