Walking Group 3 – Medium Walks

Walking Group 3 – Medium Walks

Group Leader: Sue Allan

Telephone: 01565 632904 or 07773 022373

Email: info@knutsfordu3a.co.uk

Walking Group 3 walks on the first and third Thursdays of the month.  Our walks are approximately 5 miles (sometimes they include slopes and stiles) and nearly always culminate in a pub lunch.  Well behaved dogs are welcome although they sometimes have to stay in the car if the pub does not allow them inside.

Please contact me (details above) if you need more information or would like to go on our mailing list.

Sue Allan

Programme – Apr to Oct 2024

Thurs 18th AprilWalk from the Swettenham ArmsRoger Brown
Thurs 2nd MayWalk in the Whitegate areaDavid & Anne Custerson
Thurs 16th MayWalk from the Ryles Arms, MaccJudy Popley
Thurs 6th JuneTBAHeather & Ray Brocklehurst
Thurs 20th JuneTBASue Allan
Thurs 4th JulyTBARyan and Angela
Thurs 18th JulyLyme Park from the Nelson Pit car parkElizabeth & Trevor
Thurs 1st Aug
Thurs 15th Aug
Thurs 5th Sept
Thurs 19th Sept
Thurs 3rd OctTBAKath & Alan Perks

Walks approx. 5 miles, well behaved dogs welcome 

Walking Group 3 on 19th January 2023

We did a 5 mile walk from The Stanley Arms through Carey Park and Marbury Park with a coffee stop in Marbury.  The snowy weather did not hold us back, it was lovely to see the sun shining through the trees which were silhouetted against the bright blue sky.

Walking Groups 1 & 3 – Trip to Castleton, August 2019

Edale Aug 2016

At the beginning of August members of Walking Groups 1 and 3 combined to go on a coach trip to Castleton.  Having driven through Whaley Bridge about half an hour before the village was closed and evacuated due to rain damage to the dam above it roughly half the group alighted in a layby to do a 5 mile linear walk into Castleton via Rushup Edge, Mam Tor, Hollins Cross and down into the village.  The weather was perfect for walking, the scenery on both sides of the ridge was spectacular and the group enjoyed a lunch stop with sweeping views of the valley.  This photo was taken at the summit of Mam Tor.

The second group of walkers stayed on the coach as far as Edale where, after a coffee stop, they did a slightly shorter, low level circular walk which also included some lovely scenery and a lunch stop.  They then got back on the coach and were driven to Castleton to meet up with the linear walk group for tea and a look round the village.  Wendy, our very obliging coach driver, then had to take us back to Knutsford via a very circuitous route as, by that time, Whaley Bridge had been completely closed off due to the danger of the dam bursting.  All in all it was a very enjoyable day out and we avoided all the rain that was around on that day.  Thanks to Margaret Hinde and Margaret Cole who helped to organise the trip.

Sue Allan

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