Spanish Group 2 – Intermediate

Spanish Group 2 – Intermediate

Group Leader: Graham Rigg

Tel: 01565 650103


Our group started in 2009 as a group for beginners. We have progressed from those early days, and could perhaps describe ourselves as “intermediate” but we do try to accommodate different levels of ability. We have help from a qualified teacher, although this has to be on a part-time basis, and for the rest of the time we work on a ‘mutual help’ basis with each member contributing in some way to the learning process, and to the preparation needed.

We try to make the weekly sessions varied, enjoyable and challenging, even when we are not sure whether our Spanish is correct. Generally, two weeks of each month are devoted simply to conversation and the other two are (slightly) more structured, when we try cover the basics of grammar, pronunciation, reading aloud, and also improving vocabulary.

Meetings are at 10.30am to 11.30am every Tuesday at the Jubilee Hall on Stanley Road.

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