Walking Group 1

Walking Group 1

Group Leader: Pat Lee

Tel: 07769 877293

Email: info@knutsfordu3a.co.uk

Walks take place fortnightly, alternating between Mondays and Wednesdays, and are between 5 and 7 miles in length, easy to moderate walking, with the occasional pub lunch. We usually meet in the lay-by on Mobberley Road, just before the water tower (Travis Perkins) at 09.30, or elsewhere, by prior arrangement.

For further details, please contact Pat on 07769 877293.

Pat Lee

Programme – Jan to Jun 2025

DateLeaderWalk DetailsLunchDistance
Wed 8 Jan
Mon 20 JanAlan Perks
07969 055774
More details to follow.
Wed 5 FebMark Barley
07791 257507
An urban walk in Manchester, entitled ‘Building Stones’. More details to follow.
Mon 17 FebValerie Young
07534 165722
Walking through Booths Hall to Toft Woods, Toft Hall, back via Bexton.
Wed 5 MarMark Barley
07791 257507
A walk in the Marple area. More details to follow.
Mon 17 MarTom Weston
07730 802070
More details to follow.
Wed 2 AprPat Lee
07769 877293
More details to follow.
Mon 14 Apr
Wed 30 AprEvelyn Flett
01565 653048
Tittesworth Reservoir.
More details to follow.
5 miles
Mon 12 May
Wed 28 May
Mon 9 Jun
Wed 25 JunAlan Perks
07969 055774
More details to follow.

2024 Walks

Monday 11th November led by Eveyln Flett

Was it Evelyn’s interesting route for the walk, or the delicious food on the menu at The Red Bull, Church Lawton, that attracted 14 walkers today?

We’ll never know, but both were very enjoyable, and the food was tasty, very good value for money, with a smaller portions menu, which satisfied several of us.

The route took us from the pub, along the Trent and Mersey canal, then up and over the Harecastle Tunnel from the north to south entrance. We arrived here just in time to watch a narrowboat inching its way out of the tunnel.

Meandering through Bathpool Park, several of our members took advantage of the exercise equipment alongside the pathway.

Monday 14th October at The Dee Marshes

Perfect walking conditions today; still, dry and the sun poked through the clouds on the odd occasion.

8 walkers left the Mobberley Road lay-by at 9.30 in 2 cars and after parking at Ness Botanical Gardens (free parking), we set off and soon descended to the Dee Estuary to take the King Charles III National Costal Path.

Egrets were spotted on the marshes and a Kestrel hovering nearby.

There was something of interest for our Geology Group members present, when we walked through a sandstone cutting, excavated for the original railway.

We took a little detour off The Wirral Way to look at the quirky Neston Fairy Wood, before continuing along the route back to Ness Gardens, where we all enjoyed a pleasant lunch.

The walk was 6.03 miles long with 313ft ascent and 314ft descent, no stiles. Thank you to all my co-walkers for your jovial company.

Pat Lee

Monday 19th February at Dunham

Due to the weather forecast predicting heavy rain during the morning, Mark made a wise decision to delay the start until 1pm. He had three companions join him and they began in drizzle at Denzell Gardens, Altrincham, traversed the A56 twice and crossed the golf course, keepings heads well down! The route continued along the canal towpath, but after all the rain the going was rather hazardous, so wisely it was decided to curtail the walk and head for cake and coffee at Dunham Massey. The rain had stopped on the return journey and the sun had come out, so not a complete washout.

2021 Walks

Wednesday 30th June at Lymm

We were blessed with pleasant weather for Jill’s walk around Lymm and it was great that there were 12 taking part.

The walk began at Lymm Dam car park. We took the path around the dam and then wandered into the village, where we paused for the photo and to watch the wildlife at the lower dam. From here we joined the canal tow path and took a welcome coffee break on benches conveniently located on the path. Suitably refreshed, we were one less from here, as David retraced his steps back to his car, due to a prior engagement. On leaving the towpath, via stone steps, we inched our way along a very narrow pavement alongside a busy little stretch of road, through a low tunnel. Presently we were meandering through fields of oats and then the lanes of Oughtrington (pronounced Ootrington, we were reliably informed, by a couple of passing locals), back to the car park.

Monday 15th June at Mobberley

Roger led a lovely 6½ mile easy walk today from St Wilfred’s church in Mobberley, over fields, lanes, tracks and pathways, taking us around the perimeter of runway 2, which was eerily quiet, due to lack of flight traffic. The weather was kind to us, not too hot, with a light wind. Lots to look at on route, from an angry bull that objected to having his photo taken, a horse with an identity crisis, a wonderful array of wild flowers (expertly identified by the keen botanists in the group) and a peaceful panorama over the airport runway. Coffee and lunch was taken sat by a small lake where Damsel Flies flitted about the surface. Lots of chat and laughter along the way, which is what it’s all about isn’t it. A great walk and one to repeat. Many thanks Roger for leading.

Photos courtesy of Roger, Alan and myself. Alan provided the route map.

Wednesday 2nd June at Arley

We were blessed with beautiful weather for David and Pat Walton’s walk around the Arley estate on Wednesday 2 June. There were seven of us and it was delightful to amble around the lanes and pathways bordered by many wildflowers, as we enjoyed a chat. Our coffee stop, thankfully in the shade, was by a pond (see photo) displaying a water feature, which gave a sense of peace and tranquility. Home by 12.30, this was a lovely morning walk. Thanks to David and Pat for organising.

Wednesday 5th May around Knutsford

We were in two groups 15 minutes apart, although within 10 minutes my later group had narrowed the gap somewhat. Walking along Booths Hall farm track, we were confronted by a dozen-or-so cows meandering towards us down the track, being shepherded by Alan Norbury, the farmer, on his Quadbike. We kept close to the left fence line and the cows were gracious enough to keep in single file, close to the right fence line. After that rush of excitement, we settled down to wander along the track and over the fields to Longridge. A quick visit to see the newly cleared St Helena’s churchyard, where we caught up with group two. After meandering along ginnels, footpaths and tracks we made our way into Toft Woods, where Jill found a convenient fallen tree for us to perch on, whilst we drunk our flasks of coffee. Onward, we exited the woods and crossed Chelford Road to make our way back to the start, just in time to return home for lunch.

Mark, leader of group two: “I’m not sure we took the planned route at the end of the walk (we walked down Goughs Lane to the Chelford road, rather than going into Toft woods), but we had a very enjoyable walk, with Roger giving us a guided tour of the allotments and several other distractions along the route. For someone who doesn’t know Knutsford that well it was all very interesting.”

Photos below courtesy of Roger.

Annual Linear Walks

For a report on the Annual Linear Walks organised by Walking Groups 1 and 2,  2012 – 2016 click on Linear Walks

Walking Group 1 & 3 – Trip to Castleton, August 2019

Edale Aug 2016

At the beginning of August members of Walking Groups 1 and 3 combined to go on a coach trip to Castleton.  Having driven through Whaley Bridge about half an hour before the village was closed and evacuated due to rain damage to the dam above it roughly half the group alighted in a layby to do a 5 mile linear walk into Castleton via Rushup Edge, Mam Tor, Hollins Cross and down into the village.  The weather was perfect for walking, the scenery on both sides of the ridge was spectacular and the group enjoyed a lunch stop with sweeping views of the valley.  This photo was taken at the summit of Mam Tor.

The second group of walkers stayed on the coach as far as Edale where, after a coffee stop, they did a slightly shorter, low level circular walk which also included some lovely scenery and a lunch stop.  They then got back on the coach and were driven to Castleton to meet up with the linear walk group for tea and a look round the village.  Wendy, our very obliging coach driver, then had to take us back to Knutsford via a very circuitous route as, by that time, Whaley Bridge had been completely closed off due to the danger of the dam bursting.  All in all it was a very enjoyable day out and we avoided all the rain that was around on that day.  Thanks to Margaret Hinde and Margaret Cole who helped to organise the trip.

Sue Allan

Malham Walking Holiday, April 2015

Malham Visitor Centre

Malham Visitor Centre

Malham Cove

Malham Cove


Lunch Spot on Walk from Clapham

Gritstone Trail Walk, June 2014

Between 16th and 25th June 2014, members from Walking Groups 1 and 2 walked the Gritstone Trail from Nelson Pit to Mow Cop.   The following are photographs along the way.

Gritstone Trail - 3

White Nancy

Gritstone Trail - 1

Croker Hill

Gritstone Trail - 2

 Mow Cop

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