u3a UK Movement Wide Learning Opportunities

We have received the information below from the u3a Learning Team at u3a HQ about The u3a Movement Wide Learning Opportunities available in the UK. It points out that in addition to all the learning opportunities on offer by local u3as, members can also enjoy a diverse range of talks, workshops, and courses online.

Visit u3a learning for an overview

The “Learning for Everyone” leaflet which details all these opportunities is attached to this email and can also be downloaded here.

Here are some of the online upcoming events such as talks from celebrity guests on a wide range of subjects, Tai Chi, Yoga, Cooking workshops and much more.

You can join Interest Groups Online (formerly Trust u3a) – a Virtual u3a. For an annual subscription, this offers members the chance to engage in a wider range of subjects in small, interactive settings. Read learning news story on how members share the benefits on this online community, across geographical boundaries.

There is a range of opportunities to get involved in, with your local group or individually. 

Robert Watson

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