Join Knutsford u3a On-line
The membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March.
The fee for 1/4/2025 – 31/3/2026 is £12 for a full member and £6 for an associate member (someone who is a full member of another u3a). The fee includes a £4 membership fee paid to our national organisation, the Third Age Trust, which provides a wide range of services and benefits, including liability insurance cover.
Anyone joining In February or March will get their membership extended until the end of March the following year i.e. up to 14 months for the price of 12.
Gift Aid
You can make each £1 of your subscription worth 25p more to us at no cost to yourself. To qualify for Gift Aid you must pay income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount that Knutsford & District u3a reclaims on your subscription and donations in a tax year.
If you have any disability which may make it difficult for you to attend meetings, outings or the Activity Groups you would like to join, please email Knutsford u3a at and one of our committee members will contact you to discuss any reasonable adjustments you may require.
If you wish to join Knutsford u3a using Paypal or Credit / Debit card, please click here